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5x Why you should join the board

Let's talk about.... why you should join the board of SVU Volleybal

New month new blog, and with the board 54 vacancies coming up this blog will be about the many benefits of being a board member.

New initiatives
If you have ideas about what could go better in our association or you have brand new ideas on what we could do or implement, being on the board makes it much much much easier to achieve these things. Being on the board means that you are the first to talk about ideas and get the best chance to actually do something as you are the ones that make the decisions. For instance, Emma felt very passionate about the match shirts being too small and she wanted to make everyone feel comfortable in their match shirts. So, she joined the board and made sure that it was the first point on our agenda. 

New best friends
You might think you have enough SVU friends already and you know the people of SVU pretty well. But let me tell you, the people you are on the board with will become very close friends of you within no time. During a board year you will go through some stressfull moments but you’ll go through them with your fellow board members (cliché I know) and you’ll for sure be able to laugh about it, later. If you spend 2 hours each week talking to each other, seeing them on trainings, Saturdays and on parties you also don’t really have a choice other than to start loving them.

Looks amazing on your resume
People these days do two bachelors at the same time (no clue how they do that) or just throw in some extra masters to boost their resume. All that shows that you can study very well but doing a board year says so much more. Being on the board of an association shows your future boss that you are motivated, dedicated, able to communicate and that you are serving the community. It also gives you more experience in certain fields, leadership training and is a great opportunity to develop yourself further.

Learn everything & everyone of your favorite association
Being on the board means being involved in everything, being at most of the party’s, trainings and staying in touch with committees. With which committees you talk to the most will differ per position on the board but because you talk about everything in the board meetings, everyone from the board will know what’s going on within SVU. You will also get to know a lot of people as everyone knows you and knows that they can talk to you about whatever.

BONUS: you will also be up to date on all the gossip and new lines in the kissing web

Many more benefits
Besides all that I mentioned above there are many more benefits. You get a free gym membership in the sportscentrum and for the gym on the VU campus, a discount on your SVU membership, a small financial compensation from the VU and an experience you will remember and cherish forever.

Got excited? Make sure to be there on the Board interest borrel on the 31st of March. Do you already know that you want to apply for board 54? Make sure to mail your resume and motivational letter to secretaris@svuvolleybal.nl before 16th of April. 

Not convinced about applying yet? Then read the board their best memories below!

Emma her best memory

Ooh the best board experience yet? It’s hard to choose! I think what I like the most about being in the board is that you spend a lot of time with your fellow board members and have so much fun together, even when you’re just having a board meeting. Witnessing Jetske in situations like Hajraa or the yearly fair in my home town, how Elbrig’s inner mom comes out when she insists on taking pictures with the five of us, celebrating carnaval with Merle in her hometown and Sjoerds mysterious way of making cocktails that consists of nothing but alcohol. I guess you can say that everything is fun when you’re in the board ;)

Elbrig her best memory

My best board memory is a collection of memories!! I really enjoyed HAJRAA with us as newbees (and where our hoodie outline picture was made!!), but also the "policy" weekend at Emma's parents place, the try outs and of course our very first borrels. Really the moments you are together as a group, even the boardmeetings, although they take forever and my poor fingers will never recover from all that typing (ask Jetske, its hard work)👀. Joking aside, I'm just having a lot of fun together with my boardbabes (Sjoerd his words) and I'm looking forward to getting to know each other even better and to all the activities that are yet to come❤️🥹

Merle her best memory

I think one of my favorite memories is having Christmas dinner together. Time flew by so quickly… suddenly we were all druk talking at Em’s couch at 3:00. Sjoerd’s all-alcohol cocktail was definitely a large contributor to that. Luckily we had food for a weeshuis so we had a good base to start with, that’s the only reason we came home safely.

Sjoerd his best memory

My best memory of the board year for me so far would be Hajraa and the Instuif period. Despite being pretty hectic I very much enjoyed it. It's always the most fun when a lot of stuff is going on.
Besides that I really enjoyed our policy weekend at Emma's and our Christmas dinner, but to be honest, the things I'm most fond of are the more casual activities, like the borrels or whenever we have a home game day!

Jetske her best memory

I think my best memory’s are very unpopular for the rest of my board members but I would say the photoshoots. We all hate being photographed and it’s nearly impossible to make a serious face for your profile photo if 4 of the board members are staring at you. But, the two photoshoots we had were hilarious (understatement). On both occasians I actually cried laughing at the faces Sjoerd makes or Elbrig who throws a ball for the picture which ended up on Merle’s head. According to the first photographer (a professional one) we had real chemistry with the 5 of us and I think that has been essential for the fun we had making the pictures but also in making our board year a success. So ofcourse, when writing this blog I had to include some of the hilarious and wonderful pictures we took on those photoshoots, hope you enjoyed them <3

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